Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with Comedy, funny, Magic Hugs, youtube.
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with actors, anna drezen, chess, club, Comedy, danny jolles, david sidorov, director, film, french kiss, hot, josh rabinowitz, kiss, movie, Porn, set, Sketch, tongue.
Monday, June 18th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with John Lutz, Paula Pell, SNL.
Sunday, June 17th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with action, arnold, beginning, bruce willis, carpet, chuck norris, cow, dolph lundgren, ending, Expendables, footage, interview, Jean Claude Van Damme, jet li, leaked, marla hooch, New, Official, premiere, press, randy couture, red, scene, sequel, stallone, sylvester, the, the expendables 2, the mighty ducks, trailer, twister, UFC, van damme.
Friday, June 15th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with alfred, anne hathaway, bane, batman, batman begins, batman poop, caped crusader, catwoman, Christian Bale, christopher nolan, city, deleted, fail, funny, gotham, greg and lou, greg burke, joker, joseph gordon levitt, lou perez, michael caine, michael keaton, opening, original, outtakes, parody, review, scene, sequel, show, sketch comedy, spoof, spot, sucks, the dark knight, The Dark Knight Rises, trailer, TV, ucb.
Wednesday, June 13th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with alfred, anne hathaway, bane, batman, batman begins, batman poop, caped crusader, catwoman, Christian Bale, christopher nolan, city, deleted, fail, funny, gotham, greg and lou, greg burke, joker, joseph gordon levitt, lou perez, michael caine, michael keaton, opening, original, outtakes, parody, review, scene, sequel, show, sketch comedy, spoof, spot, sucks, the dark knight, The Dark Knight Rises, trailer, TV, ucb.
Wednesday, February 15th, 2012
Love is desire. Love is comfort. Love is a picture of your boyfriend’s dick…
Check out this new video from Rachel Bloom, Pictures of Your Dick. Featuring Greg.
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with adele, fuck me ray bradbury, greg and lou, greg burke, I Steal Pets, Pictures of Your Dick, Rachel Bloom, song parody, Valentine's Day.
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
One of the downsides of having a girlfriend is that a madman will eventually kidnap her and…
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with action movie, Comedy, crazy, death, drama, ending, final scene, funny, greg and lou, insane, kidnapped, loser, madman, parody, real, review, roulette, Russian Roulette, sketch comedy, smirnoff. russian, spoof, tangerine dream, the deer hunter, trailer, vodka, winner.
Thursday, January 26th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with 2012 oscars, Best Actor, Drive, Golden Globe Award, golden globes, interview, nomination, Oscar, real hero, Ryan Gosling, snub, soundtrack.
Monday, January 9th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos. And it's tagged with alfred, bane, batman, batman begins, bruce wayne, catwoman, Christian Bale, christopher nolan, clip, funny, gotham, greg and lou, in ashes, joker, michael caine, official trailer, parody, scene, sketch comedy, teaser, the dark knight, The Dark Knight Rises, trailer, trailer 1, trailer 2, wayne manor.