Blog of a Pool Boy is a television sitcom created and written by Greg Burke, AJ Morales & Lou Perez
Directed by AJ Morales
Cinematography by Paul Rondeau
When Dave, a young novelist, falls flat on his face after college graduation he is forced to come back home and work for the family pool care business where he reconnects with his cousin Billy, a horny slacker whose erotics escapades as a Pool Boy just might help Dave break into the Publishing world.
WINNER BEST COMEDY PILOT & BEST ACTOR (Greg Burke) @ 2009 New York Television Festival
Here’s a scene from our independent pilot Blog of a Pool Boy, which won the 2009 New York Television Festival awards for Best Comedy and Best Actor (our very own Greg Burke).
Our very own Lou Perez will be giving (probably terrible) dating and sex advice to YouTube viewers. He’s the new co-host on Dirty Talk Dating with Tess Paras. So watch the videos, subscribe to the channel, and send in your questions. Lou will especially appreciate anything butthole-related.