without bias

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

What If I Told You…

ESPN’s documentary series 30 for 30 was a brilliant, insightful, multiple-adjective-inspiring breakdown of some of the most controversial sports subjects of the last 30 years. Stand out episodes were Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. The New York Knicks, The Two Escobars, Without Bias, The Best That Never Was, Jordan Rides The Bus, The U, June 17th, 1994, The Fab Five and Pony Excess. The entire series is available at amazon.com and I seriously suggest you buy it.* These are feature length documentaries made by award winning filmmakers. Incredible stuff.

Anyway… the real reason for this post is a one minute song.

If you watched ESPN for any serious amount of time over the past year you would’ve caught this awesome commercial:

The commercial features a pretty amazing piano solo which is then followed by a haunting violin and a military drum beat. It’s awesome. I had been searching for an mp3 online for the last few months (as have thousands of other people which is evident from a quick google search) but it doesn’t exist – it was a song made specifically for the series and the author’s whereabouts are unknown (or, more precisely, can’t be found with a quick google search).

So, without the mp3, whenever I was in the mood to hear the song (which, surprisingly was a lot) I was forced to go back to youtube and watch the commercial. And since the commercial is only a minute long I would often play it 4 or 5 times in a row until I had my fill of that haunting piano. And then tonight, at 3am, while I was yet again watching the ESPN commercial on youtube simply to hear the theme song, I came across this:

I don’t know who the kid playing piano is but he is awesome. There’s no violin or drum beat (or backing piano beat) but the fact that someone sat down to play these simple keys makes my (late)night. Thanks dude, whoever you are. (his youtube name is )

“What if I told you that the key to being awesome… was a piano key.”


*I bought the entire series for my dad for Father’s Day. I told him that a lot of the documentaries were amazing. I’m 99% sure he hasn’t even opened the box.