Monday, July 9th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos . And it's tagged with Fred Armisen , John Lutz , Saturday Night Live , SNL .
Saturday, July 7th, 2012
This post is filed under Uncategorized . And it's tagged with Comedy , J-L Cauvin , Josh Homer , Louie CK , Stand-up .
Thursday, July 5th, 2012
Our very own Lou Perez will be giving (probably terrible) dating and sex advice to YouTube viewers. He’s the new co-host on Dirty Talk Dating with Tess Paras. So watch the videos, subscribe to the channel , and send in your questions. Lou will especially appreciate anything butthole-related.
This post is filed under Videos . And it's tagged with Barbie dolls , Dirty Talk Dating , DTD , lou perez , sex , talk , Tess Paras .
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos . And it's tagged with abortion , Animated Stories , Comedy , Comedy Video , funny , Humor , Jewish , Joke , Jokes , losing virginity , revenge , sex , skinheads , Stephanie Streisand , Todd Bieber , ucb , UCB Comedy , UCBComedy , Upright Citizens Brigade , vengeance , Virgin .
Monday, June 25th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos . And it's tagged with anthony atamanuik , broadway , Comedy , Comedy Video , fonz , funny , homeless , Humor , Joke , Jokes , Rory Panagotopulos , subway car , ucb , UCB Comedy , UCBComedy , Upright Citizens Brigade , wicked .
Sunday, June 24th, 2012
This post is filed under Videos . And it's tagged with Bonnaroo , Comedy Central , Key & Peele .
Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
This post is filed under Videos . And it's tagged with intrigue , murder , Robin Williams , Shining .
Thursday, June 21st, 2012
This post is filed under Videos . And it's tagged with alien , Half in the Bag , Harry , Mike and Jay , Plinkett , Prometheus , Red Letter Media , review , Ridley Scott .